

Wardrobes Owners
Create new owner
Manage owner details
Add Owner from Contacts
Edit owner details
Remove owner
Owner Main Menu
Navigate back to owners list
Edit owner details
Navigate from any scene to owner main menu
Create new wardrobe
Edit wardrobe details
Create new wardrobe section
Manage wardrobe section content
Move section
Move wardrobe items
View wardrobe item
Navigate back to wardrobes list
Edit wardrobe details
Remove wardrobe
Wardrobe Section
Manage section content
Add wardrobe items
Add subsections
Remove wardrobe items
Move wardrobe items
Manage subsection details
Remove subsection
Edit section details
Remove section
Wardrobe Item
Edit wardrobe item
Add item images
Change item cover
Remove image
Edit item details
Create new brand
Edit brand details
Remove brand
Create new outfits category
Manage category
Create new outfit
Create new sub category
Edit outfit
Edit outfit details
Add wardrobe items
Add shopping items
Change shopping item with wardrobe item
Remove items
Compose outfit cover
Change shopping item with wardrobe item
Navigate back to main menu
Wardrobes Owners
Pull to create new
Owner Details
Add Owner from Contacts
Add title if needed
Choose gender if needed
Add note if needed
Save or Cancel
Long tap to edit
Pan up to remove
Owner Main Menu
Pan down to navigate back
Long tap on scene header to edit owner
Pan from left edge to right from any scene to navigate to owner main menu
Pull to create new
Wardrobe Details
Add title if needed
Add note if needed
Save or Cancel
Long tap to edit
Pan up to remove
Pull to create new section
Add title and select section type
Save or Cancel
Pinch out to manage section content
Long tap on section to select and move
Long tap on item to toggle edit mode
Select items and move it to any section or subsection
Single tap on item to preview
Double tap on item to view
Pan down to navigate back
Long tap on scene header to edit wardrobe details
Pan up to remove
Wardrobe Section
Add wardrobe items
Single tap to add multiple items from selected images
Double tap to add single item with multiple images
Select and drag images to top
Pan down to navigate back
To remove items long tap on any item to enter edit mode then select some and drag it to the top
Pull to create new subsection
Long tap on any item to enter edit mode then select some and drag it to chosen subsection
Pinch out to edit subsection details
Pan up to remove subsection
Long tap on scene header to edit section details
Pan up to remove section
Wardrobe Item
Go to section then double tap on the item to edit
Tap on plus icon to add item images
Drag image to change item cover
Drag image to top to remove
Long tap on scene header to edit item details
Add title, brand and note if needed
Create new brand
Long tap to edit brand
Pan up to remove brand
Select outfit collection to manage it
Pull to create new outfits category
Pinch out to manage outfits category
Tap on plus icon to create new outfit
Pull to create new outfits subcategory
Double tap on outfit to edit
Long tap on scene header to edit outfit details
Single tap on plus icon to add wardrobe items
Double tap on plus icon to add items you have to buy to complete the outfit
Tap on shopping item to change it with wardrobe item
To remove items long tap on any item to enter edit mode then select some and drag it to the top
Compose outfit cover Choose cover template
Create cover, drag image to cover template cell and resize or rotate it if needed
Create cover from single image. Tap on plus icon to add image from photo library or grag image
Pan down to save or discard changes
Shopping part collects all outfits belong to current wardrobes owner which contains shopping items Tap on shopping item to change it with wardrobe item
Select wardrobe item drag it to top and drop
Pan down to navigate back